Leadership and personal development workshops
All of our workshops provide incidental, but powerful, learning that builds leadership, collaboration, communication and self-awareness capabilities.
We also offer workshops which bring these skills to life as their core focus delivering learning through the eyes, ears and fingers. Whether developing modern leadership capabilities in your senior team, ensuring that you are making the most of your team, bringing new joiners aboard or seeking to make meetings more effective, explore our playful interventions. Some examples are below, but do get in touch with your requirements.
The Building Blocks of Modern Leadership

The LEGO Serious Play method takes care of many of the leadership skills that modern leaders are required to develop. Through a combination of LSP and other exercises, this workshop provides a powerful experiential introduction to themes such as systems thinking, creating psychological safety, servant leadership, active listening, making the most of team diversity, enhancing creativity and effective collaboration.
Explore how to bring out the full potential of your team and reflect on what leadership means to you in this half day workshop.
"Making the Most of You"

Build strong self-awareness of your identity at work, what you bring, how you are seen, your purpose and aspiration, so that you can deliver maximum impact. This workshop helps you to reveal and achieve your hidden potential to create impact within the business. Using the LEGO Serious Play method, you reflect on what you bring to your work, what you could bring more of and what others think of you; you develop an aspirational identity for you at your best; and you develop a self-directed plan for bridging the gap towards making the most of you.
An energising half-day workshop to inspire and motivate your rising stars.
"Fight, Flight or Flow: Building Psychological safety in fast growing teams"

For entrepreneurs: One of the biggest challenges in fast-growing organisations is maintaining psychological safety as your team rapidly expands beyond its founding core.
This experiential half-day workshop, developed and delivered in collaboration with Renita Kalhorn (coach to entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 execs and US Green Berets) combines neuroscience, behavioural psychology and LEGO® Serious Play® to help you identify the five primal triggers that inhibit psychological safety; to master your own psychology so you can be more calm and in control under pressure – and transmit that to your colleagues; to raise the quality and authenticity of one-to-one and team interactions to establish an environment of trust and respect; and to create an environment where your people feel safe to share what they really think and know.
Invaluable for anyone running a business in that tricky phase of accelerating growth from c.20 to c.100 people. Individual entrepreneurs can join an open session; incubators, accelerators and venture capital companies can book a bespoke session for portfolio companies.
"New joiners"

This workshop is a fantastic way to induct new joiners into your organisation. Participants are given the opportunity to explore their own responses to the vision or values of the organisation, what it means to them and how they could bring them to life in their work. They also reflect on what they hope to bring to the organisation and what they hope for while working there. Alongside more traditional induction activity, this is a great way to create an emotional response and rapidly build connections between new colleagues.
"Breakthrough meetings"

The times when your people are in a room together should be the most productive, fulfilling, exciting moments. It should be where the magic happens; where the total is exponentially greater than the sum of the parts.
And yet, too often, we view meetings as not just an interruption to work, but the opposite of it.
This workshop is designed to help project managers and team leaders who need to maximise the engagement and input of meeting attendees; to encourage breakthrough thinking that solves problems and generates ideas quicker and more effectively; and to ensure alignment in discussion and commitment to the outcomes.
Participants get direct experience of meeting behaviours that drive better outcomes. And they gain valuable insights into why it feels hard to do real work in meetings and what they can do about it.
They will also gain first-hand experience of using LSP and the opportunity to reflect on how they can apply the psychological safety-catalysing principles – with or without the methodology – to their meetings .