Strategy and change workshops
In the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world we live in, the most effective strategy development requires three key elements:
- system level thinking;
- an emergent approach to strategy; and
- psychological safety within the team developing and implementing what they co-create.
Bulbb’s strategic interventions integrate all three elements whether as standalone interventions or as part of a wider strategy process.
Example Strategy and Change workshops
These interventions are developed to fit within the client’s strategic process. Here are some example workshops we have run.
"Real Time Strategy"
In a fast-changing world, old-fashioned strategic plans are no longer sufficient. This workshop gives you the tools to respond rapidly to unpredictable events through co-creating a shared articulation of your organisation’s purpose, identity and capabilities; an understanding of the broad landscape within which you sit; and a set of simple guiding principles by which you will make decisions. This is emergent strategy brought to life. The output is not a written strategy document, but a living strategy, co-created and owned by your team which can act as a guide through uncharted waters. .
"Align and Accelerate""
Are your projects and programmes not moving as fast as they ought to? Do you need to understand the cause of inertia and find a way to break through it? This workshop addresses many of the common causes – lack of alignment, limited view of the wider context, unspoken problems, for example – to surface what is holding you back and identify actions to help you accelerate forward.
"Change builder"
A powerful way to drive effective change and operational improvements in your organisation through co-creating the change with your wider team. Your people have a huge amount of hidden potential to improve things; surface their knowledge and build their commitment to the changes they help to develop as they feel listened to and engaged. Clients have reported reduced staff turnover and valuable changes happening almost instantaneously. We can help you to develop the wider strategy process or design an intervention to fit with your process.
"Embed and plan"
Change programmes often involve vision statements, principles and values – intangible ideas that staff are expected to embrace. This workshop will help your people – individually and in teams – to explore what these ideas mean to them and how they could incorporate them into their work.
To find out more about these workshops and how we can work with you to adapt or develop them for your needs, please get in touch.